

Rendering in Rhino. A little bit of photoshoping. And done...



I found this kitchen on yanko.com
but now my girlfriend wants me to go so, by!


simple render

A rendering of an object doesnt have to take an hour. Its better to use the fastest path to achive a result. This one took about 5 minutes, but by then it was good enough and I desided to focus on more important things. 

Alot of people think that design is about making something beautiful. And it probably was for a long time. But these days its so much more than that. At school we rarely have any courses in how to sketch or render a picture, I picked up my skills as I went along. I work alot on the research and just barely give any time to making nice renderings. This is because its NOT THAT IMPORTANT. When Im done with my final koncept idea, I dont have to spend alot of time desiding on how its suppose to look, it comes to me along the way and is inspired by the research

The sketching and rendering parts is mostly used for selling the idea. This as well as the graphic layout of the presentation is used as packaging.

SKEaTCHES part 3

this is another one of the sketches-posts. enjoy...


back after not being away at all...

Ok, so I havent been gone, but at the same time, I havent had time. While working on my degreeproject, servicedesign-project, portfolio and so on, I havent been able to get onto the blog for a while. but now Im back.