

The secret to cad is to use rhino... Supersimple program, easy to understand and learningcurve is low as hell! 

I used to cad alot in 3ds max, and manage to build all kinds of things. I remember doing my first project after gradeschool in 3ds max. Back then I wanted to be a architect so my project was "How to design and furnish a house". I made the whole house in cad, built all the furniture (including a pool-table and a library). I designed the flow throughout the house. I was very proud. Until my supervisor at the project flunked me!? I got confused and assumed that I must have done something wrong. But to be sure I showed the project to another teacher at school (we were in title to a second oppinion if we felt that the grade was unfair in any way). The teacher was as confused as me and said that Ive should've gotten the highest grade.

In retrospect, I think that she, my supervisor, just didnt understand how much work it goes into a cad-project of that size for a 18 year old.


This was a project I did during my introductionyear to industrialdesign. I made the design about 3 years ago, but this rhino-render was made about 30 minutes ago.

The product is suppose to help in difficult situations that involve your car. The dockingstation sticks to most surfaces and fits smaller spaces. The flashlight is magnetic and fits to the dock that way. It charges the batterie by induction and uses only two small led-lamps to illuminate the problemareas.

Supersmart huh!


TEDtalks inspiration

Yeah, so Ive known about TED for a while now and after just finishing a big project with a even bigger company I really need to, other than sleeping, sit down, relax and just watch some mindless bullshit show on television. But I kind off dont work that way. When I should relax I find work to do, when I should work I find something else to do (watch mindless shows on television).

Anyway, if you dont know what TED is. Its a yearlie seminar were some of the worlds most inspiring people come to present and talk about their ideas. 

I just finished watching the most amazing architect firm present their work on TED, Thomas Heatherwick. And now, Id like to share TED with the people who hasnt found the wonderfull world of TED.


Other TED vids:
Tim Brown, from ideo
Ross Lovegrove, Captain Organic
Chris Bangle, former BMW cheif of design (Ive met him)


Another shoesketch. Simple as that.

You LIKE!?


Designprocess, the book

The book... A book on the designprocess and some things to know before you really get into design, it can be interresting to read before you want to become a designer. Maybe if you have questions on some part of the designprocess or if you have stickingpoints that youre having a hard time to get passed, this can be a good book to read. 

What if you can get all that for a smaller amount of money...? wouldn't that be amazing. To have a different perspective on design than maybe IDEO or if you like design and like to know more about it, but you dont want to spend big money, like if its only a hobbie. The book follows my experiences and its based on my process at the time. I also cover other peoples experiences and how they work through their process.

Its filled with picture and sketches that will inspire help explain in what way I proceed to be able to be the best designer I can.

Now, the book isnt really done yet, but Its getting their. (this might not be the final bookcover BTW).

(I probably should add that IDEO are to me, probably the best designcompany in the world right now, but as a student in Sweden, I dont really have enough money to buy any of their books at the moment and thats why I wrote the book.)