
SKEaTCHES part 2

 Ok, so I call this post "Skeatches part 2" because thats what it is.

These are some of my other sketches Ive done. You might see alot of tank and robot pictures, thats because of the latest project Ive been working on. Right now We have a project with the swedish demolition-robot company called "Brokk"... Yeah, I know, it sounds awesome, I think so two. So we're totally on the same page...

And also I must say that this project has been the most fun project Ive ever worked on till this day. But I will save that story for later. because thats how I roll, dawg.

So anyways, as you can see I like working with ballpoint and A3-paper. I sometimes sketch in photoshop with my wacom, but I try doing as much as I can on real paper, feels more genuine that way. Ive work hard to finding my own style in my sketching and at the moment, I feel confident. I would even say that some of my sketches are pretty desent.

"Note 2 self: 
- Remember to do a post about the designprocess"

Good, Just ignore the leaning text of post...a (The leaning tower of Pisa)
Haha, aint I the funny one...
Anyways, like doing dividingline to show the shapes and forms of my koncepts. Like adding other shapes and forms to my sketches to display a certain style. For example if I want to mediate a soft shape  with lots of curves and such.

Well it seems to be very late and I seem to be very tired, so I might just go to sleep now... That is if I can, some guy are BBQing right outside my window and making lots of noice. Its in the middle of the night/earlie in the morning. so... Good night

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